2. Organization of Data Records

     MuseData utilizes character spacing of data within each line, since the meaning of many elements of the system are inferred from column placement. An 80-column row is assumed. The first character in each record uses a control key to identify the record type. There are currently 23 valid control keys. In alphabetical order they are:

Table 1: MuseData record control keys.

A regular note record a append to previous line
B regular note record b backspace in time
C regular note record c cue size note
D regular note record f figured harmony
E regular note record g grace note
F regular note record i invisible rest
G regular note record m bar line
P print suggestions r regular rest
S sound directions $ musical attribute record
" " extra note in chord & comment mode toggle switch
/ end of music or end of file @ single line comment
* musical directions

2.1 Regular Note Records: Sound Information [A..G, r]

2.2 Regular Note Records: Graphic and Interpretive Information

2.3 Other Record Types